Regardless of whether you are selling a luxury home on the Big Island of Hawaii, in Beverly Hills, New York, Atlanta, or any other location, the details can make all of the difference. When you’re dealing with luxury real estate, naturally buyers’ expectations are higher. Regardless of price range, what you want to do is highlight the strengths of your luxury home while downplaying any weaknesses.
Of course the most important thing is to make sure the home and surrounding property are clean and neat, but luxury home staging is important when trying to appeal to clients in search of high-end luxury homes. Below are a few suggestions that will help make the sale easier and less stressful, while getting top dollar for your home.
Light it up and make it feel bigger. Open up the windows, use higher watt bulbs to make the house look and feel bigger. Do everything you can in each room to make the home appear spacious and open, and make it easier for buyers to move around.
Clear the clutter. You’ve probably heard this a dozen times, but it bears repeating. Take down family photos, put away old books and magazines or “trinkets” you’ve collected over the years. Most of all, make sure kitchen and bath countertops are clear of clutter so that all potential buyers see are clean lines. Buyers need to be able to visualize the home as their own, and clutter makes it difficult.
Use furnishings that appeal to everyone. Older couples and young couples with children have very different tastes when it comes to furniture. Keep it streamlined and simple, “kid friendly” as well. Organize your furniture in a way that makes for easy flow through your home, and makes each room feel spacious and large.
When it comes to color, keep it calm. We all have our own tastes, and while you may love the royal blue accent wall in the dining room, most people prefer neutrals and light colors. If you have colors that are too bold or bright, it can be distracting. Stick to soft neutrals and white.
Eliminate odors. While you may be used to the smells of your luxury home, others will notice them right away. Pet odors, tobacco smoke, cooking odors – clean the carpets, paint the walls, open up the windows to air out your home, and consider fresh flowers and/or candles to provide a good smelling home.
Make sure your luxury home is ready to move in to. Any minor flaws or repairs should be attended to before you begin showing your home. Do any painting that needs to be done, plumbing repairs, etc. Make it move-in ready!
At Mauna Kea Realty, we know how important a great first impression is – in fact, it’s the ONLY one that matters when trying to sell your luxury home. Give us a call today for more tips and suggestions, or if you are ready to let our expert professionals help sell your home quickly.